Thursday, April 23, 2009

Prophecy, Does It Happen Today?

Yesterday Calgary got hit by the standard springtime blizzard. Mixed with the slightly warm weather, this snow soon turned into a skating rink. This morning, on my walk to work, the sidewalks can only be described in my mind as curling rinks, nicely pebbled and perfect for sliding. Now, to give a little history, every morning at work we read a passage out of the Bible then have a prayer request time. We have a prayer calendar which is set up about a month in advance, and we have one request on that calendar per day. And what was today's request? "Pray for all the guests who have slipped on the sidewalk, that they would have a speedy recovery." So, you tell me, does prophecy still happen?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Kenya Update

Only 3 months left!
Praise God for supplying us with $3,000 at the end of March!
We didn't quite reach our goal of $4,000 for that month but still waiting on God to provide.
Over the month of April our goal is $3,000 and May's financial goal will be $2,000.
I'm so grateful that God is in control of all of this and grateful that we have friends and family joining our team to invest in missionary kids lives this summer.

We had our first official team meeting last monday with 4 people from across the country in attendance over speaker phone. We officially have 13 people on our team! The details have almost been solidified now as we were given an itinerary of our week at the missionary conference. It will be about six six hour days of ministry to children, babies to teens. Our team will be split up to work with various age groups.

I (Melissa) am going to work with the baby to 2 year old age group and be the team lead.
Kevin is likely going to work with the elementary age group.
So the next few months include programming and organizing age appropriate activities. PLEASE feel free to send suggestions our way or resources we could use to work with the kids. We will also be doing some research on the countries these missionary's are coming from and suggested reading about bible translation...maybe learning some swahili as well!

During our second week there will likely be work projects like painting and such. Again, if you'd like to offer any resources like paintbrushes or rollers we will be in need of these. As well as visiting and assisting a translation project as we are able.

We're very honored to be able to go serve in this way in July and we hope that you'll join us.
Please keep us in your prayers as they are needed before the trip in details- visas, shots, travel, health , during- the work itself, team unity, safety, God to change lives! and after as we process what was experienced and share that with others.